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Erholungspark Marzahn mit den Gärten der Welt – English

Though this park is quite at a distance from home, I always enjoy going there. The various gardens are beautiful. The best time for a visit is from spring – autumn. Be sure to bring a camera – you will take lots of pictures there!

If you like drinking tea, try the Chinese Teahouse. They offer various black, green, yellow and white teas.

Marzahner Garten (2)_Web

Don’t miss the magnificent Oriental Garden with its mosaics and ornaments.

Marzahner Garten 2006_05_20 (41)_Web

Marzahner Garten 2006_05_20 (38)_Web

In the Balinese Garden, located in a glasshouse, you will find lots of orchids and other tropical plants. Please mind the rather high humidity there.

Marzahner Garten 2006_05_20 (02)_Web

It is not easy to walk around the Japanese Garden – you will have to cross lots of stones up and down a hill. And the guards at the entrance make sure nobody will enter the garden from the wrong side.

Marzahner Garten 2006_05_20 (12)_Web

Next to it you will find the Korean Garden. It is much easier to walk around there.

Marzahner Garten 2006_05_20 (16)_Web

One of the recently opened gardens is the Italian Renaissance Garden. It is located close to the entrance at Blumberger Damm.

Marzahner Garten 2008_08_31 (19)_Web

Marzahner Garten 2008_08_31 (08)_Web

Marzahner Garten 2008_08_31 (22)_Web

There are more interesting places in this park like a maze. As this review is meant to give you a rough overview, I can only recommend the park for a visit.

Various refreshments are offered. All over the place you will find spots for taking a rest. The park is wheelchair accessible.

Erholungspark Marzahn mit den Gärten der Welt
Eisenacher Straße 99
12685 Berlin
Tel. 030-700906-699



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